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Èíôîðìàöèÿ è äîêóìåíòû ïî êðèòè÷íîñòè:
LA-11627-MS |
Glossary of Nuclear Criticality Terms
LA-12683 |
Forecast of Criticality Experiments
Experimental Programs Needed to Support Nuclear Operations
in the United States of America: 1994-1999 |
LA-13265 |
A Primer for
Criticality Calculations with DANTSYS,
by Robert Busch. |
LA-13638 |
and References -
A Review of Criticality Accidents,
2000 Revision |
and References - A Review of Criticality Accidents, 2000
Revision |
0. T.P. McLaughlin, S.P. Monahan, N.L. Pruvost, V.V.
Frolov, B.G. Ryazanov, V.I. Sviridov,
Review of Criticality Accidents: 2000 Revision.”
Los Alamos National Laboratory Report LA-13638 (May 2000).
1. Stratton,
“W. R. A Review of Criticality Accidents.”
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Los Alamos, NM., LA-3611,
2. Stratton W. R., revised by D. R. Smith.
Review of Criticality Accidents.”
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA,
DOE/NCT-04, (March 1989).
3. Paxton, Hugh C.
“Glossary of Nuclear Criticality
Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA-11627-MS, Los
Alamos, NM, (October 1989).
4. Barbry,
“F. SILENE Reactor: Results of Selected Typical
Report SRSC n223, CEA Institute de Protectionet de Surete
Nucleaire , Department de Recherches en Securite, Service de
Recherches en Surete et Criticite, Centre d'Etudes de VALDUC
- SRSC 21120 Is-sur-Tille, France, (September 1994).
5. Lecorche, P., and R. L. Seale.
“Review of the Experiments Performed to Determine the
Radiological Consequences of a Criticality Accident.”
Y-12 Plant, Oak Ridge, TN., Y-CDC-12, (1973).
6. Dunenfeld, M.S., and R. K. Stitt. “Summary Review of
the Kinetics Experiments on Water Boilers.”NAA-SR-7087,
(1963). This report is proprietary information of North
American Aviation Co.
“Accidental Radiation Excursion at the Y-12 Plant June 16,
Union Carbide Nuclear Company, Y-12 Plant, Oak Ridge, TN.,
Y-1234, (1958).
8. Callihan, D., and J. T. Thomas.
“Accidental Radiation Excursion at the Oak Ridge Y-12
Plant—I, Description and Physics of the Accident.”
Health Phys., 1, 363-372, (1959).
“Oak Ridge Y-12 Accidental Excursion, June 16, 1958.”
Nucleonics, 16, Nov., pp. 138-140, 200-203, (1958).
10. Hurst, G. S., R. S. Ritchie, and R. L. Emerson.
“Accidental Radiation Excursion at the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant,
Part III, Determination of Doses.”
Health Physics, 2, p. 121 (1959).
11. Paxton, H. C., R. D. Baker, W. T. Maraman, and R.
“Nuclear-Critical Accident at the Los Alamos Scientific
Laboratory on December 30, 1958.”
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, LAMS-2293
12. Paxton, H. C., R. D. Baker, W. J. Maraman, and R.
“Los Alamos Criticality Accident, December 30, 1958.”
Nucleonics, 17(4), pp. 107-108, 151 (1959).
13. Ginkel, W. L., C. W. Bills, A. O. Dodd, K. K. Kennedy,
and F. H. Tingey.
“Nuclear Incident at the Idaho Chemical Processing Plant on
October 16, 1959.”
Phillips Petroleum Co., Atomic Energy Div., Idaho Falls, ID,
IDO-10035 (1960).
14. Paulus, P. C., A. O. Dodd, K. K. Kennedy, F. H. Tingey,
and F. M. Warzel.
“Nuclear Incident at the Idaho Chemical Processing Plant on
January 25, 1961.”
Phillips Petroleum Company, Atomic Energy Div., Idaho Falls,
ID, IDO-10036 (1961).
15. Latchum J. W., F. C. Haas, W. M. Hawkins, and F. M.
“Nuclear Incident at the Idaho
Chemical Processing Plant of January 25, 1961.”
La-54-61A, Phillips Petroleum Co., (4 April 1961). 61.
La-54-61A, Phillips Petroleum Co., (4 April 1961).
16. Olsen A. R., R. L. Hooper, V. O. Uotinen, and C. L.
“Empirical Model to Estimate Energy Release from Accidental
Trans. Am. Nuc. Soc., 19, pp. 189-191, (October 1974).
17. Hetrick, D. L.
Letter to Thomas P. McLaughlin, (14 July 1999).
18. Callihan, D.
“Accidental Nuclear Excursion in Recuplex Operation at
Hanford in April 1962.”
Nucl. Safety, 4(4), pp. 136-144, (1963).
19. Clayton, E. D.
“Further Considerations of Criticality in Recuplex and
Possible Shutdown Mechanism.”
Hanford Atomic Products Operation, Hanford, Wash. HW-77780
20. Zangar, C. N.
“Summary Report of Accidental Nuclear Excursion Recuplex
Operation 234-5 Facility.”
HW74723, Richland Operations Office, AEC, TID-18431 (1962).
21. Investigation Committee.
“Final Report of Accidental Nuclear Excursion Recuplex
Operation 234-5 Facility.”
Hanford Operations Office, H W-74723, (August, 1962).
22. Clayton, E. D.
“The Hanford Pulser Accident.”
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 46, pp.
463-464, (June 1984).
23. Nakache, F. R., and M. M. Shapiro.
“The Nuclear Aspects of the Accidental Criticality at Wood
River Junction, Rhode Island, July 24, 19 64.”
Supplemental Report, United Nuclear Corp., New Haven, Conn.,
Fuels Div., TID-21995 (1964).
24. Kouts, H., et al.
“Report of the AEC Technical Review Committee, (Nov. 6,
25. Daniels, J. T., H. Howells, and T. G. Hughes.
“Criticality Incident-Aug 24, 1970, Windscale Works.”
Trans. Am. Nuc. Sec., 14, pp. 35-3 6 (1971).
26. Evans, M. C.
Review of Criticality Accidents Within the European
Trans. Am. Nuc. Sec., 46, pp. 462-463 (1984).
27. Evans, M.C.,
Review of Criticality Accidents Within the European
Notes from oral presentation at the Summer Meeting of the
American Nuclear Society, New Orleans, (June 1984).
“Recovery of ICPP from Criticality Event of October 17, 1978
- Part II (Support and Safety Justification of the Specific
Approach to Emptying H-100).”
Allied Chemical, ACI-366, (January 1979).
29. Casto, W. R. (ed.).
“ICPP Criticality Event of October 17, 1978.”
Nuclear Safety, vol. 21, No. 5, (October 1980).
“Report of the Accident Investigation Committee on a
Critical Accident in Uranium Fuel Fabrication Plant.”
The Nuclear Saf ety Commission, Japan (December 42, 1999).
31. “Report No. 3 in the 5th Meeting in 2000 of the
Nuclear Safety Commission: 'Scope of Radiation Dose to
Persons by the Critical Accident in JCO Co., Ltd. Tokai Site
and Its Follow-up.'” Nuclear Safety Bureau of Science and
Technology Agency, Japan, (January 2000).
32. McCoy, F. R. III, T.P. McLaughlin, and L.C. Lewis.
“U.S. Department of Energy Trip Report of Visit to Tokyo and
Tokai-Mura, Japan on October 18-19, 1999 for Information
Exchange with Government of Japan Concerning the September
30, 1999 Tokai-Mura Criticality Accident.”
U. S. Department of Energy.
“NEA Nuclear Science Committee. International Handbook of
Evaluated Criticality Safety Benchmark Experiments.
NEA/NSC/DOC-(95)-03, (September 1998).
34. Paxton, H. C., and N. L. Pruvost.
“Critical Dimensions of Systems Containing
235U, 239Pu,
and 233U, 1986 Revision.”
LA-10860-MS, Fig. 4, p. 14, (July 1987).
35. Taylor, E. F., and J. A. Wheeler.
“Spacetime Physics.”
W. H. Freeman and Co.,p. 60, San Francisco, p. 60, (1966).
36. Callihan, D., W. Ozeroff, H. Paxton, and C. Schuske.
“Nuclear Safety Guide.”
U. S. Atomic Energy Commission report TID-7016, (1957).
37. Hayes, D. F.
Summary of Accidents and Incidents Involving Radiation in
Atomic Energy Activities, June 1945 through December 1955.”
U. S. Atomic Energy Commission TID-5360, (1956).
38. King, L. D. P.
“Design and Description of Water Boiler Reactors.”
Proc. Intern. Conf. Peaceful Uses At. Energy, Geneva 1955,
vol. 2, p p. 372-391, (1955).
39. Leonard, Jr., B. R.
Study of the Radiation Burst in the Hanford Homogeneous
Hanford Works, Richland, WA, HW-24327, (1952).
40. Thomas, J. T., and A. D. Callihan.
“Radiation Excursions at the ORNL Critical Experiments
Laboratory. I. May 26, 1954. II. February 1, 1956.”Oak
Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, ORNL-2452, (1958).
41. Callihan, D.
“Excursion at the Oak Ridge Critical Experiments Facility,
January 30, 1968.”
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, ORNL-TM-2207,
42. Paxton, H. C.
“Critical-Assembly Booby Traps.”
Nucleonics 16, Mar., pp. 80-81, (1958).
43. Paine, Jr., R. W., R. S. Dike, J. D. Orndoff, and D.
P. Wood.
Study of an Accidental Radiation Burst.”
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory , Los Alamos, NM, LA-1289,
44. Paxton, H. C.
“Booby Traps.”
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, AECD-4240,
45. Mallary, E. C., G. E. Hansen, G. A. Linenberger, and
D. P. Wood.
“Neutron Burst from a Cylindrical Untamped Oy (Enriched U)
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, LA-1477,
46. Peterson, R. E., and G. A. Newby.
“An Unreflected U-235 Critical Assembly.”
Nucl. Sci. Eng. 1, 112-125, (1956).
47. Wimett, T. F., L. B. Engle, G. A. Graves, G. R. Keepin,
Jr., and J. D. Orndoff.
“Time Behavior of Godiva Through Prompt Critical.”
Los A lamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, LA-2029,
48. Paxton, H. C.
“Godiva, Topsy, Jezebel-Critical Assemblies at Los Alamos.”
Nucleonics 13, Oct., 48-50, (1955).
49. A. M. Voinov, V. P. Egorov, A. E. Zapolsky, et al.
“Facility for neutronics testing of simple critical
assemblies.” VANT, section Nuclear Reactor Physics, 2, pp.
21-29, (1992).
50. Paxton, H. C.
“Godiva Wrecked at Los Alamos.”
Nucleonics 15, Apr., p. 104, (1957).
51. Stratton, W. R., T. H. Colvin, and R. B. Lazarus.
“Analyses of Prompt Excursions in Simple Systems and
Idealized Fast Reactors.”
In Proc. UN Intern. Conf. Peaceful Uses At. Energy, 2nd,
Geneva, 1958 (United Nations, Geneva), vol. 12, pp. 196-206,
52. Wimett, T. F., and J. D. Orndoff.
“Applications of Godiva II Neutron Pulses.”
In Proc. UN Intern. Conf. Peaceful Uses At. Energy, 2nd,
Geneva, 1958 (United Nations, Geneva), vol. 10, pp. 449-460,
53. Callihan, D.,
“Criticality Excursion of November 10, 1961.”
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, ORNL-TM-139,
54. Kuvshinov M. I., P. F. Cherednic, I. I. Ignatov, et
al. “Experimental research of coupled systems including BIR
pulse reactor and a subcritical assembly.” VANT, Section:
Pulse reactors and simple critical assemblies, 2, pp. 3-15,
55. Kathren, R. L., W. C. Day, D. H. Denham, and J. L.
“Health Physics Following a Nuclear Excursion: The LRL
Incident of March 26, 1963.”
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA,
UCRL-7345, (1963).
56. “Fast Burst Reactor Facility Operations report Number
2.” White Sands Missile Range, White Sands, NM, (1965). This
reference has been carried over from a previous edition of
the document. At the time of printing it was not possible to
locate a copy of the reference.
57. Teryokhin, V. A., V. D. Perezhogin, and Y. A. Sokolov.
“Criticality Measurements at VNIITF Review.”
In Proc. of the Fifth Internationa l Conference on Nuclear
Criticality Safety, September 17-21, 1995, pp. 4.44-4.47,
58. Voloshin, N. P., I. S. Pogrebov, and V. A. Teryokhin.
“RFNC-VNIITF Physical Experimental Division and a Short
Historical Sketch of Cri tical Mass Measurements.”
In Proc. of the Fifth International Conference on Nuclear
Criticality Safety, September 17-21, 1995, pp. P-31- P -36,
59. Kazi, A. H., H. G. Dubyoski, and E. W. Dickinson.
“Preoperational Test Experience with the Army Pulse
Radiation Facility Reactor.”
In Proc. of the National Topical Meeting on Fast Burst
Reactors, Albuquerque, NM (U. S. Atomic Energy Commission),
pp. 353-371, (1969).
60. Voloshin, N. P. “Summary of the expert findings about
the causes of the nuclear accident at RFNC-VNIIEF.” Sarov.
Atompressa, 26 (262), (July 1997).
61. Punin, V. T., I. G. Smirnov, and S. A. Zykov.
“The Accident of the RFNC-VNIIEF Criticality Test Facility.”
Atomnaya energia, 83.2, pp. 154-156, (1997).
62. Khodalev, G. F., E. Yu. Tarasova, A. K. Zhitnik, et
“An exposure dose for the experimentalist during the
criticality accident at R FNC-VNIIEF.”
Atomnaya energia, 85.2, pp. 153-158 (1998).
63. Argonne National Laboratory.
“Controlled Nuclear Chain Reaction: The First 50 Years.”
American Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, IL, pp . 52-54
64. Brittan, R. O., R. J. Hasterlik, L. D. Marinelli, and
F. W. Thalgott.
“Technical Review of ZPR-1 Accidental Transient-The Power
Excursi on, Exposures, and Clinical Data.”
Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, ANL-4971, (1953).
65. Lewis, W. B.
“The Accident to the NRX Reactor on December 12, 1952.”
Atomic Energy of Canada, Ltd., Chalk River Project, Chalk
River, On tario, Canada, DR-32, (1953).
66. Hurst, D. C., and A. G. Ward.
“Canadian Research Reactors.”
In Progress in Nuclear Energy, Series II, Reactors, vol. I.
R. A. Charpie, D. J. Hughes, D. J. Littler, and M. Trocheris,
Eds. Pergamon Press, London, pp. 1-48, (1956).
67. Henderson, W. J., A.C. Johnson, and P. R. Tunnicliffe.
An Investigation of Some of the Circumstances Pertinent to
the Accident to the NRX Reactor of December 12, 1952. Atomic
Energy of Canada Limited, Chalk River Ontario, NEI-26,
(March 31, 1953).
68. Dietrich, J. R.
“Experimental Determinations of the Self-Limitation of Power
During Reactivity Transients in a Subcooled, Water-Moderated
Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, ANL-5323, (1954).
Nucleonics, 13, Sept., 40-45, (1955).
70. Dietrich, J. R.
“Experimental Determinations of the Self-Regulation and
Safety of Operating Water-Moderated Reactors.”
In Proc. Intern . Conf. Peaceful Uses At. Energy, Geneva,
1955, United Nations, New York, vol. 13, pp. 88-101, (1956).
71. Dietrich, J. R., and D. C. Layman.
“Transient and Steady State Characteristics of a Boiling
Reactor. The Borax Experiments, 1953.”
Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, AECD-3840, (1954).
72. Thompson, T. J., and J. G. Beckerley, Eds.
“The Technology of Nuclear Reactor Safety,”
vol. 1 (The M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, MA, 1964).
73. Lushbaugh, C. C.
“Reflections on Some Recent Progress in Human Radiobiology.”
In Advances in Radiation Biology, vol. 3, L. G. Augenste in,
R. Mason, and M. Zelle, Eds. (Academic Press Inc., pp
277-314., (1969).
74. Tardiff, A. N.
“Some Aspects of the WTR and SL-1 Accidents.”
In Proc. Symp. Reactor Safety and Hazards Evaluation
Techniques. vol. 1, International Atomic Energy Agency,
Vienna, pp. 43-88, (1962).
75. Nyer, W. E., G. O. Bright, and R. J. McWhorter.
“Reactor Excursion Behavior.”
In Proc. UN Intern. Conf. Peaceful Uses At. Energy, 3rd,
Geneva, 1964, vol. 13, United Nations, Geneva, pp. 13-25,
76. Miller, R. W., A. Sola, and R. K. McCardell,
“Report of the SPERT-1 Destructive Test Program on an
Aluminum, Plate-type, Water-Modera ted Reactor,”
Phillips Petroleum Company, IDO-16883, (June 1964).
77. Parfanovich, D. M.
“Summary of Two Criticality Accidents at the Russian
Research Center”
Kurchatov Institute. INEEL/EXT-98-00409, Idaho National
Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, J. Blair Briggs,
ed., (August 1998).
“Water-Moderated Hexagonally Pitched Lattices of U(9O%)O2
+ Cu Fuel Rods with GD or SM Rods.”
HEU-COMP-THERM-004, International Handbook of Evaluated
Criticality Safety Benchmark Experiments, NEA/N S
C/DOC(95)03/II, 1996 Version or Later.
NRC Information Notice No. 83-66,
Supplement 1: Fatality at Argentine Critical Facility, (May
25, 1984).
80. Frisch, O. R.
“Controlled Production of an Explosive Nuclear Chain
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, LA-397,
81. De Hoffman, F., B. T. Feld, and P. R. Stein.
“Delayed Neutrons from 235U
After Short Irradiation.”
Phys. Rev., 74, (10) 1330-1337, (19 48).
82. Brittan, R. O.
“Analysis of the EBR-1 Core Meltdown.”
In Proc. UN Intern. Conf. Peaceful Uses At. Energy, 2nd
Geneva, 1958, vol. 12, United Nations, Geneva, pp. 267-272,
83. Kittel, J. H., M. Novick, and R. F. Buchanan.
“The EBR-1 Meltdown-Physical and Metallurgical Changes in
the Core.”
Argonne National Labo ratory, Argonne, IL, ANL-5731, (1957).
“Summary Report of HTRE No. 3 Nuclear Excursion.”
General Electric Co., Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Dept.,
Cincinnati, OH, APEX-509, (19 59).
85. Remley, M. E., J. W. Flora, D. L. Hetrick, D. R.
Muller, E. L. Gardner, R. E. Wimmer, R. K. Stitt, and D. P.
“Experimental Studies on the Kinetic Behavior of Water
Boiler Type Reactors.”
In Proc. UN Intern. Conf. Peaceful Uses At. Energy, 2nd,
Geneva 1958, vol. 11 , United Nations, Geneva, pp. 447-456
86. Stitt, R. K.
Summary of Experimental Results of the Spherical Core
Investigations in the Kewb Program.”
Nucl. Sci. Eng., 2 (1), Su ppl., 212-213, (1959).
87. Hetrick, D. L., J. W. Flora, E.L. Garner, et.al.
“Preliminary Results on the Kinetic Behavior of Water Boiler
Atomics International, North American Aviation, NAA-SR-1896,
(April 15, 1987).
88. Malenfant, R. E., H. M. Forehand, and J. J. Koelling.
“Sheba: A Solution Critical Assembly.”
Trans. Amer. Nucl. Sec. 35 p. 279, (1980) .
89. Forbes, S. G., F. L. Bentzen, P. French, J. E. Grund,
I. C. Haire, W. E. Nyer, and R. F. Walker. “Analysis of
Self-Shutdown Behavior in the Spert-1 Reactor.” Phillips
Petroleum Company, Atomic Energy Div., Idaho Falls, Idaho,
IDO-16528, (1959). This reference has been carried over from
a previous edition of the document. At the time of printing
it was not possible to locate a copy of the document.
90. Nyer, W. E., and S. G. Forbes.
“SPERT-1 Reactor Safety Studies.”
In Proc. UN Intern. Conf. Peaceful Uses At. Energy, 2nd,
Geneva, 1958 , vol. 11, United Nations, Geneva, pp. 470-480,
91. Schroeder, F., S. G. Forbes, W. E. Nyer, F. L. Bentzen,
and G. O. Bright.
“Experimental Study of Transient Behavior in a Subcooled,
Water-Moderated Reactor.”
Nucl. Sci. Eng. 2, 96-115, (1957).
92. Stone, R. S., H. P. Sleeper, Jr., R. H. Stahl, and G.
“Transient Behavior of TRIGA, a Zirconium-Hydride,
Water-Moderated Reactor .”
Nucl. Sci. Eng., 6, 255-259, (1959).
93. Koutz, S. L., T. Taylor, A. McReynolds, F. Dyson, R.
S. Stolne, H. P. Sleeper, Jr., and R. B. Duffield.
“Design of a 10-kw Reactor for Isotope Production, Research
and Training Purposes.”
In Proc. UN Intern. Conf. Peaceful Uses At. Energy, 2nd,
Geneva, 1958, vol. 10, United Nations, Geneva, pp. 282-286,
94. Knief, R. A.,
“Nuclear Criticality Safety: Theory and Practice.”
American Nuclear Society, LaGrange Park, IL, p. 11, (1985).
95. Hansen, G. E.
“Burst Characteristics Associated with the Slow Assembly of
Fissionable Materials.”
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, LA-1441,
96. Fuchs, K.
“Efficiency for Very Slow Assembly.”
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, LA-596,
97. Hansen, G. E.
“Assembly of Fissionable Material in the Presence of a Weak
Neutron Source.”
Nucl. Sci. Eng., 8, 709-719, (1960).”
98. Keepin, G. R.
“Physics of Nuclear Kinetics.”
Addison Wesley Pub. Co., Reading, MA, p. 287, (1965).
99. Keepin, G. R, and C. W. Cox.
“General Solution of the Reactor Kinetics Equations.”
Nucl. Sci. Eng., 8, 670-690, (1960).
100. Gamble, D. P.
Proposed Model of Bubble Growth During Fast Transients in
the Kewb Reactor.”
Nucl. Sci. Eng., 2 (1), Suppl., 213-214 , (1959).
101. Wilson, Robert E., and Jensen, William D.
“Reflections on the 1978 ICPP Criticality Accident.”
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Nuclear
Criticality Safety, Vol. IV, 1540-1544,(1999).
LA-13638-TR |
Russian Translation of LA-13638,
'A Review of Criticality Accidents, 2000 Revision.'
LA-14098 |
Modern Fission Theory for Criticality,
by J Eric Lynn |
LA-UR-04-6514 |
Heritage and Usage
of the Words Fissionable and Fissile in
Criticality,' by N. L. Pruvost, J Eric Lynn, and Charles D.
Harmon II. |
LA-UR-05-3247 |
'A Technically Useful History of the
Critical Mass Laboratory at Rocky Flats.'
by Robert E. Rothe. |
LA-14244-M |
Hand Calculation Methods for Criticality Safety – A Primer,
by Douglas G. Bowen and Robert D. Busch. |
Other |
Criticality Accident in Sarov.
Issued 19 March 2001 by the IAEA |
LA-10860 and Reference Set:
Dimensions of Systems Containing 235U,
239Pu, and
233U. |
0. H.C. Paxton and N. L. Pruvost, “Critical
Dimensions of Systems Containing 235U, 239Pu,
and 233U, 1986 Revision,”
Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA-10860-MS (July
1. H. C. Paxton, J. T. Thomas, Dixon Callihan, and E. B.
Johnson, “Critical
Dimensions of Systems Containing U235, Pu239,
and U233,”
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and Oak Ridge National
Laboratory report TID-7028 (June 1964).
2. J. T. Thomas, Ed., “Nuclear
Safety Guide TID-7016,”
U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission report NUREG/CR-0095 (ORNL/NUREG/CSD-6)
(June 1978).
3. “Nuclear Criticality Safety in Operations with
Fissionable Materials Outside Reactors,” ANSI/ANS-8.1-1983
(Revision of ANSI/N16.1-1975) (American National Standards
Institute, Inc., New York, 1983).
4. H. K. Clark, “Subcritical
Limits for Plutonium Systems,”
Nucl. Sci. Eng. 79, 65-84 (1981).
5. H. K. Clark, “Subcritical
Limits for Uranium-235 Systems,”
Nucl. Sci. Eng. 81, 351-378 (1982).
6. H. K. Clark, “Subcritical
Limits for Uranium-233 Systems,”
Nucl. Sci. Eng. 81, 379-395 (1982).
7. H. K. Clark, “Handbook
of Nuclear Safety,”
Savannah River Laboratory report DP-532 (January 1961). F.
Abbey, “Manual
of Criticality Data, Parts 1,
AHSB(s) Handbook 5, UKAEA Health and Safety Branch (1967). “Guide
de Criticite, Parts I, II,
III,” (in French)
CEA-R3114, Commissariat a l’Energie Atomique, Saclay (1967).
B. G. Dubovskiy et al., “Critical
Parameters of Fissionable Materials Systems and Nuclear
Safety (A Handbook),”
Russian Translation JPRS:42,322, Clearing House for Federal
Scientific and Technical Information (1967). R. D. Carter,
G. R. Kiel, and K. R. Ridgway, “Criticality
Handbook, Vols. I,
Atlantic Richfield Hanford Co. report ARH-600 (1968).
8. H. F. Henry, A. J. Mallett, C. E. Newlon, and W. A.
Pryor, “Criticality
Data and Nuclear Safety Guide Applicable to the Oak Ridge
Gaseous Diffusion Plant,”
Union Carbide Nuclear Company, K-25 Plant report K-1019 (5th
Rev.) (May 1959). E. D. Clayton, “Nuclear
Safety in Chemical and Metallurgical Processing of Plutonium,”
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9. D. Callihan, “Experiments
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15. J. F. Briesmeister, Ed., “MCNP-A
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16. H. C. Paxton, “Fast
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17. Roy Reider, “An
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18. Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory of the University of
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Rev. Sci. Inst. 22, 489-499 (1951); also L. D. P.
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19. H. D. Smyth,
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Cooperation and Development, European Nuclear Energy Agency,
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30. P. R. Lécorché, “Critical
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92. D. Breton, P. Lécorché, and C. Clouet d’Orval, “Criticality
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124. J. T. Thomas, J. K. Fox, and E. B. Johnson, “Critical
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125. G. H. Bidinger, C. L. Schuske, and D. F. Smith, “Nuclear
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126. C. L. Schuske and G. H. Bidinger, “Nuclear
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68. B. L. Broadhead and C. M. Hopper, “Updated
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Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 72, 218-220
69. J. T. Thomas, “Criticality
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70. P. Lécorché and R. L. Seale, “A
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71. American National Standard for Nuclear Criticality
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Outside Reactors, ANSI/ANS-8.12-1987, American Nuclear
Society, LaGrange Park, IL (1987).
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73. H. K. Clark, “Subcritical
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Nuclear Science and Engineering, 81, 351-378 (1982).
74. H. K. Clark, “Subcritical
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Nuclear Science and Engineering, 81, 379-395 (1982).
75. E. D. Clayton, H. K. Clark, Gordon Walker, and R. A.
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Nuclear Technology, 75, 225-229 (1986).
76. J. W. Webster, “Calculated
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Of 233U and
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77. S. R. Bierman, G. R. Smolen, and T. Matsumoto, “Experimental
Criticality Data Comparing Organic and Water Moderation,”
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 54, 195-196
78. H. K. Clark, “Effect
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Nuclear Science and Engineering, 24, 133-141 (1966).
79. W. H. Roach and D. R. Smith, “Estimates
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Nuclear Science and Engineering, 31, 549 (1967).
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85. E. D. Clayton, H. K. Clark, D. W. Magnuson, J. H.
Chalmers, Gordon Walker, N. Ketzlach, Ryohei Kiyose, C. L.
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Nuclear Technology, 35, 97-111 (1977).
86. H. K. Clark, “Critical
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90. J. T. Thomas, “Calculated
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91. R. C. Lloyd and E. D. Clayton, “Criticality
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96. R. C. Lloyd and T. Koyama, “Criticality
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Cylindrical Geometry,”
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 56, 318-319
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98. D. Dickinson and C. L. Schuske, “An
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99. E. B. Johnson, “The
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100. N. F. Cross, G. E. Whitesides, and R. J. Hinton, “Monte
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Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 17, 268
101. L. B. Engle, G. E. Hansen, and H. C. Paxton, “Reactivity
Contributions of Various Materials in Topsy, Godiva, and
Nuclear Science and Engineering, 8, 543-569 (1960).
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103. R. C. Lloyd, E. D. Clayton, and L. E. Hansen, “Criticality
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104. R. C. Lloyd and E. D. Clayton, “Effect
of Boron and Gadolinium on the Criticality of
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Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 23, 234-237
105. E. D. Clayton and C. L. Brown, “Criticality
and Nuclear Safety of Slightly Enriched Uranium,”
Chemical Engineering Progress Symposium Series, 61, No. 60,
33-43 (1965).
106. V. 1. Neeley, J. A. Berberet, and R. H. Masterson, “kinfinityof
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107. R. Gwin and D. W. Magnuson, “The
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108. W. E. Converse, R. C. Lloyd, E. D. Clayton, and W. A.
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Experiments Using High-Enriched Uranyl Nitrate with Cadmium
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 32, 328-330
109. J. T. Thomas, “Reflectors,
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Nuclear Science and Engineering, 67, 279-295 (1978).
110. R. C. Lloyd, C. R. Richey, E. D. Clayton, and D. R.
Skeen, “Criticality
Studies with Plutonium Solutions”,
Nuclear Science and Engineering, 25, 165-173 (1966).
111. G. R. Handley, R. C. Robinson, and J. C. Cline, “Effects
of Concrete Composition in Nuclear Criticality Safety
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 61, 182-184
112. H. F. Henry, J. R. Knight, and C. E. Newlon, “General
Application of a Theory of Neutron Interaction,”
Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant report K-1309 (1956).
113. H. C. Paxton, “History
of Density-Analog Storage Criteria,”
Proceedings of a Topical Meeting on Criticality Safety in
the Storage of Fissile Material, Jackson, WY, September
8-11, 1985, American Nuclear Society report ISBN:
89448-119-3, 346-352 (1985).
114. J. T. Thomas, “Remarks
on Surface Density and Density Analog Representation of
Array Criticality,”
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 22, 299-300
115. J. T. Thomas, “Surface
Density and Density Analogue Models for Criticality in
Arrays of Fissile Materials,”
Nuclear Science and Engineering, 62, 424-437 (1977).
116. M. C. Evans and J. R. Bowe, “Applications
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Proceedings of a Topical Meeting on Criticality Safety in
the Storage of Fissile Material, Jackson, WY, September
8-11, 1985, American Nuclear Society report ISBN:
89448-119-3, 307-321 (1985).
117. D. R. Smith, “Criteria
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Large and Varied Reactor Research Development Programme,”
Proceedings of a Symposium on Criticality Control of Fissile
Materials, Stockholm, November 1-5, 1965, International
Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 667-677 (1965).
118. H. C. Paxton, “Density-Analog
Proceedings of the Livermore Array Symposium, Livermore, CA,
September 23-25, 1968, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory report
LRL-CONF-680909, 6-11 (1968).
119. American National Standard Guide for Nuclear
Criticality Safety in the Storage of Fissile Materials,
ANSI-NI6.5-1975/ANS-8.7, American Nuclear Society, LaGrange
Park, IL (1975).
120. H. K. Clark, “A
Simple Practical Method for Calculating Interaction,”
Proceedings of a Symposium on Criticality Control of Fissile
Materials, Stockholm, November 1-5, 1965, International
Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 87-102 (1965).
121. H. K. Clark, “Interaction
of Fissionable Units,”
Nuclear Science and Engineering, 15, 20-28 (1963).
122. H. K. Clark, “Application
of a Simple, Practical Method for Computing Interaction to
Arrays Found Experimentally to be Critical,”
Nuclear Science and Engineering, 20, 307-313 (1964).
123. A. F. Thomas and R. A. Scriven, “Neutron
Interaction in Fissile Assemblies,”
Progress in Nuclear Energy, Series IV, Vol. 3 - Technology,
Engineering and Safety, Pergamon Press, London, 253-291
124. J. T. Thomas, “Critical
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Nuclear Science and Engineering, 52, 350-359 (1973).
125. 0. C. Kolar, H. F. Finn, and N. L. Pruvost, “Livermore
Plutonium Array Program: Experiments and Calculations,”
Nuclear Technology, 29, 57-72 (1976).
126. J. T. Thomas, “Experimental
and Calculated System Criticality,”
Proceedings Of a Symposium on Criticality Control of Fissile
Materials, Stockholm, November 1-5, 1965, International
Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 149-175 (1965).
127. J. T. Thomas, “The
Criticality of Cubic Arrays of Fissile Materials,”
Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant report Y-CDC-10 (1971).
128. D. Yearwood, E. D. Clayton, and B. L. Koponen, “Anomalous
Effects of Moderation in Transportation and Storage Arrays -
Proceedings of a Topical Meeting on Physics and Methods in
Criticality Safety, Nashville, TN, September 19-23, 1993,
American Nuclear Society, LaGrange Park, IL, 99-101 (1993).
129. J. T. Thomas “Experimental
Measurements with Arrays of U(97.7)F6
Neutron-Coupled Through Concrete,”
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 19, 199-200
130. G. D. Ellis and G. R. Handley, “Enriched
Uranium Storage in Steel Tubes Embedded in Concrete,”
Proceedings of a Topical Meeting on Criticality Safety in
the Storage of Fissile Material, Jackson, WY, September
8-11, 1985, American Nuclear Society report
ISBN:89448-119-3, 186-198 (1985).
131. J. T. Thomas, “A
Criticality Indicator System for Storage of Fissile
Oak Ridge National Laboratory report UCCND-CSD-INF-48
132. J. T. Thomas, “Criticality
of 233U Aqueous Nitrate
Solutions in Reflected and Unreflected Arrays,”
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 10, 538-539
133. R. C. Lloyd, E. D. Clayton, and J. H. Chalmers, “Criticality
of Arrays of 233U
Nuclear Applications, 4, 136-141 (1968).
134. R. E. Rothe, “A
Survey of Fissile Solution Storage Methods: Champion the
Poisoned Tube Tank,”
Proceedings of a Topical Meeting on Criticality Safety in
the Storage of Fissile Material, Jackson, WY, September
8-11, 1985, American Nuclear Society report ISBN:
89448-119-3, 42-64 (1985).
135. J. T. Thomas, J. K. Fox, and E. B. Johnson, “Critical
Mass Studies, Part XIII. Borosilicate Glass Raschig Rings in
Aqueous Uranyl Nitrate Solutions,”
Oak Ridge National Laboratory report ORNL-TM-499 (1963).
136. J. T. Thomas, “Critical
Experiments with Aqueous Solutions of
Neutron Physics Division Annual Progress Report for Period
Ending May 31, 1968, Oak Ridge National Laboratory report
ORNL -4280, 53-55 (1968).
137. R. C. Lloyd, S. R. Bierman, and E. D. Clayton, “Criticality
of Plutonium Nitrate Solutions Containing Borated Raschig
Nuclear Science and Engineering, 50, 127-134 (1973).
138. R. C. Lloyd and E. D. Clayton, “Criticality
of Pu-U Nitrate Solution Containing Glass Raschig Rings,”
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 21, 236-237
139. J. K. Fox and L. W. Gilley, “Critical
Parameters of Aqueous Solutions of U235,”
Neutron Physics Division Annual Progress Report for Period
Ending September 1, 1957, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
report ORNL-2389, 71-83 (1959).
140. D. Callihan, “Experiments
for Criticality Control,”
Proceedings of a Symposium on Criticality Control in
Chemical and Metallurgical Plants, KarIsruhe, Germany,
589-614 (1961).
141. O. D. Thompson and D. D. Yearwood, “Plutonium
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8-11, 1985, American Nuclear Society report ISBN:
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49 CFR 173.4,
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147. W. C. Jordan, N. F. Landers, and L. M. Petrie, “Validation
of KENO V.a, Comparison with Critical Experiments,”
Oak Ridge National Laboratory report ORNL/CSD/TM-238 (1986).
148. J. P. Nichols, C. L. Schuske, and D. W. Magnuson, “Use
of Borosilicate-Glass Raschig Rings as a Neutron Absorber in
Solutions of Fissile Material,”
Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant report Y-CDC-8 (1971).
149. E. O. Nurmi, “Use
of Borosilicate-Glass Raschig Rings in a Hostile
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 19, 181
150. R. F. Christy and J. A. Wheeler, “Chain
Reaction of Pure Fissionable Materials in Solution,”
US Government report CP-400 (1943). |
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